W miesiącu lipcu wielka obniżka cen i promocyjna sprzedaż kontenerów komunalnych KP 7 oraz KPZ 7

+48 799 096 720

PPU Torkonstal Ltd. -  Polish producer of good steel containers

 VAT PL 7550006371 | KRS 0000167662 | REGON 530583758 | BDO 000157269

 48-200 Prudnik, ul. Prężyńska 19, Poland

 +48 799 096 720 or 77 436 20 57  Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Skip open top asymmetric
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland
Skip covered with steel lid
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland
Roll-on Roll-off containers
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland
Roll- on/off | skip loader containers
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland
Containers for hook-lift systems
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland
Roll- on/off | skip loader containers
Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems and skip containers by Torkonstal Company from Prudnik , Poland

Firma Torkonstal Spółka z o. o. oferuje korzystne warunki zatrudnienia dla: spawaczy półautomatem, operatorów maszyn CNC, operatorów prass krawędziowych, operatorów gilotyn, doświadczonych ślusarzy.

We are looking for traders who know the market of the container industry in Western Europe. We offer very favorable commission remuneration, independence, discretion and remote work.

If you are interested, please contact

We cordially invite companies producing and using containers and troughs to cooperate with us.

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