W miesiącu lipcu wielka obniżka cen i promocyjna sprzedaż kontenerów komunalnych KP 7 oraz KPZ 7

+48 799 096 720

The Torkonstal company produces a whole range of containers roll-on roll-off containers for hook-lift systems. We manufacture containers in accordance with DIN 30722, SS 3021 or NFR 17–108. 

Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems

We can also design and manufacture a container according to the individual needs of the customer. Standard containers produced by us have a capacity of up to 4 cubic meters to 40 cubic meters. The containers are protected against corrosion and varnished in accordance with the customer's order in a color from the RAL palette.

Roll-on Roll-off containers for hook-lift systems by Torkonstal

We produce roll-off containers in various versions: standard version, heavy version, light version, smoothline construction, stackable version, scrap containers, high volume container, rubble transport version and special versions. Containers can be equipped with inspection ladders, rolled tarpaulins, protective nets and fixed roofs.

Photo gallery of roll on/off containers of our production

We cordially invite companies producing and using containers and troughs to cooperate with us.

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